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Coffee to Stay

In North America we take our coffee and our food everywhere. The things we consume rarely ever have a chance to sit still. Your coffee was imported from Columbia and the wheat for your morning bagel was brought in from western Canada just for you. Sitting down and enjoying a meal that spent days in transit to meet with your taste buds may only happen a few times a week and of those times, we have become accustomed to supplement the conversation with television. The company we enjoy when we do stay can lend broader perspective to a week where you’ve been going about work with the blinders on. If you find yourself alone, no matter, this time can be perfectly spend thinking and planning for future.

Maybe you don’t have time and we can understand that. However, it does seem possible to find about 15 minutes each day to dedicate to conversation or quiet contemplation. Consider getting that coffee to stay and save yourself the trouble of burning your lip and cursing wildly.

* The coffee pictured above is a Viennese coffee called Melange. It is always served up with a glass of water and it’s always delicious. I’m sorry Tim but I’ve fallen for another.

  1. Tim Horton
    May 14, 2011 at 4:07 pm

    Son of a bitch.

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