
Posts Tagged ‘Lonley Planet’

The Lonely Traveler

May 23, 2011 4 comments


Life can get awfully lonely on the road especially with time zone differences and busy friends. The internet helps but pixels are peanuts compared to live people. Meeting new people can be intimidating, especially if you aren’t versed in the local language or dialect. How does one effectively travel and experience a new world all by your lonesome?

I’ve found that self-deprecation especially regarding my national identity to be a helpful way to come off as non-threatening. I choose to slander my countrymen even though the stereotype of Canadians as burly, axe-wielding, highly friendly Eskimos that call the coldest region of the world home, is generally received warmly across the globe. While I do love my country, I do find it fun to play off of stereotypes and subsequently perpetuating them. Don’t worry though, I’m only reinforcing the good ones so you don’t need to fear the depreciation of the value of our beloved national brand.

There are a host of community driven websites that are able to link you with your own countrymen and other expatriates. These groups are very open with whom they accept and many are capable of throwing mean barbeques in the summertime. There is something about propane that promotes kinship and when you add in the smoked meat, grilled vegetables, and beer then I don’t think it’s possible for you to walk away without a new best friend forever.

If you’re only in town for a short while consider staying in a hostel. You’ll save money and nine times out of ten you won’t have an experience like the movie. I’d say those are some good odds. The people that stay in hostels are in the same boat as you and as such you should have no problem relating regarding your travel experiences. These short term allies could become your travel companions for a leg of your journey. How awesome is that?

If you’re more of an independent, reserved type person, bring along a pen and some paper with you. Somehow you’re never lonely if you can chronicle your experiences and share them later on a blog. You should also pick up a copy of the lonely planet which probably has a travel guide that pertains to the place you’re visiting.

There is ample opportunity to meet new people because if you haven’t noticed there are about seven billion of them. Everyone has a story to tell so don’t let trivial things such as age and culture bar you from choosing to strike up conversation. Some of the most interesting conversations you’ll have are with people that seem opposite you. You don’t have to sit on the seesaw by yourself but don’t jump off at the last second, your new friends won’t take kindly to that behaviour.