Home > Interesting things > Absinthe: Common Sense in a Bottle

Absinthe: Common Sense in a Bottle

I think they sell Absinthe here

In the past, abstinence has occasionally been circumvented by an absence of common sense which has can been traced back to Absinthe. This alcohol laden spirit has it’s origins in Bohemia and has affectionately been dubbed “the green fairy” (la fée verte – en francais) due to it’s hypnotic green glow and the commonly held belief that it causes you to hallucinate. It’s for that reason and it’s apparent addictive nature that it has been made illegal in a host of countries including Canada and the US. While one cannot expect to not be in tip-top condition after consuming a spirit with an alcohol content that can be as high as 80%, you also cannot be held responsible for surrendering to her healthy green allure.

Pick your poison

This witches brew is most likely prepared in large boiling cauldrons with several newt’s eyes. One thing’s for sure, it does not contain any added sugar which is the main reason that it is added for a proper serving of the drink. It is served using a decorative spoon, which acts as a glorified strainer, to hold the sugar cube while the Absinthe is diluted over top into the glass. Then it’s down ze hatch.

The culture of the drink appears civilized as evidenced by it’s pouring ritual. However, it seems that young people have a way of pushing the limit on extremes and civil can turn evil in minutes. This particular fairy may dress in sheep’s clothing and as a caution, she will fight you if provoked. Just stay away from mirrors and make sure to keep your belt tightly fastened around your waist.

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